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As a church, we exist to share Jesus, train disciples and serve others


Our purpose as a church

Beacon exists to reach the Metro-Detroit area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have always sought to be a church established around the simple core of Christ Crucified, Risen, and Coming Again. We do this through the means of Preaching Christ, Teaching and Reaching the world.

Our historical purpose

The first meeting for Beacon was on September 17, 1961 in the YMCA building in Southgate, Michigan. The first building of Beacon Baptist Church was built in 1963 with a small auditorium and some offices. In 1973 an addition was added to include a gym and class rooms.
Then in 1981, a third building project took place erecting a larger auditorium and more class rooms. In November of 2000, the church moved into our present auditorium.
Our former pastor, Dr. Herbert Gilbert and his wife Glenda retired on December 31, 2017.

Rev. John Reilly and his wife Rhonda have stepped into the role after a fruitful ministry here at Beacon.
Our purpose globally

Beacon has always made missions a major focus of our church. We believe in, encourage and support all local, domestic and foreign missions. We participate in "hands on" projects throughout the community as well as missions trips. We believe in taking Christ's love to all parts of the earth.
Our purpose locally

We believe in the importance of outreach. Whether through the means of missions giving or events, we believe in helping our community and making an impact on those outside the four walls of our church.

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